Adam’s new book, YES, unpacks God’s will for your life and how it is remarkably intertwined with with your “Yes“. Discover the incredible permission and partnership we have with God. Look forward to reading YES when it releases summer, 2023.
What if like a FAUX fur coat or a FAUX brick wall, fear presents as intimidating on the surface but once uncovered, reveals the façade of power it uses to control us in life. Faux Real is simply about identifying what is fake and what is real, and presenting the choice to choose either fear or faith in any given situation.
Vintage motorcycle enthusiast, espresso drinker, and reluctant crossfitter, Adam believes in living life to the fullest because that is God's intention for us. Married to the incredible Keira Smallcombe, aka 'Velvet Hammer,' and father to 3 stunning daughters, Adam is a self professed family man and unashamedly the loudest parent cheering at his daughters water polo games. As a youth, God ignited a passion in him to be a builder of the Kingdom of God here on earth. While in Newcastle, Australia he built a youth ministry from a handful of youth to hundreds passionately pursuing Jesus. Now the lead pastor of VIVE Church and based in the San Francisco Bay Area of California, Adam is a sought after speaker locally and globally for conferences, events and leadership workshops. His core message of faith in action along with overcoming fear has been evident in the rapid expansion of their church, growing to 5 locations around the world in just 5 years. His communication and leadership style can be characterized by his humor and relentless determination to build people and pull out all God has for them.